Deed application process and information
If you are the holder of the Tax Lien Certificate. A Treasurer's Deed may be issued 3 years from the date of the original sale, upon proper application and notification.
The process of acquiring property through the Treasurer’s Deed process requires the recording of an Application for a Public Auction.
The following process is currently indicated in Colorado Law
(The redemption period is three years from the year of the original tax sale. Certificates sold in 2023 for the 2022 property taxes are eligible for application of a Treasurer’s Deed in 2026. It is not required that three consecutive years of taxes be due, it is only required that the original lien remain unpaid three years after the date it was purchased at tax sale. There is a $1,500.00 deposit required to start the Treasurer’s Deed process, which is handled through the Treasurer’s Office.
Contact us for questions regarding the process or information on how to assign your interest in the tax lien.
Contact us for Treasurer’s Deed Application questions – call 970-387-5488 or email.
Our Tax Deed sales are held on Wednesdays
Upcoming Tax Deed Auctions:
July 2, 2025, 10:00 a.m. unless continued
Treasurer Deed Public Auction Policies & Procedures
Notice to a property owner of a property for which the option for Treasurer's Deed has been sold at public auction: If the option for a treasurer's deed for your property is sold at a public auction for more than the total owed to the lawful holder of a tax lien on your property and to all other lien holders, please contact the treasurer's office after the auction because you may have funds due to you.
Current Deed Application Process
Return the completed application and the $1,000 application fee to the Treasurer's Office.
Mailing Address:
San Juan County Treasurer
PO Box 368
Silverton, CO 81433
The application fee is a deposit that may not cover all of the fees such as title expense which includes, title search, advertising charges, mailing fees, posting fees and any additional charges accrued in procedures by statute for issuance of a Treasurer's Deed.
The Treasurer's Deed process takes approximately a 6 month, given no unforeseen problems. Advertising is initiated as soon as we receive the title search. After the first publication, a copy of the publication is sent by regular mail and certified mail to legally interested parties.
The Treasurer's Deed will be issued if redemption is not made prior to the execution date. The Treasurer's Deed is recorded with the San Juan County Clerk and Recorder.
The Treasurer's Deed will not be issued until all subsequent property tax liens are brought current and any additional costs accrued over the application fee paid.
This means whoever holds a lien for 3 years (regardless of whether or not you pay subsequent taxes) can apply for deed. If you do not pay the taxes after the first year, you will still have to pay off the junior lien holders that purchased liens in subsequent years prior to obtaining a deed.
A Treasurer's Deed is an unmarketable title for 7 years. You may deed the property to another; however, you may not warrant the title. Please contact an attorney or title company for further information. The Treasurer's Office is unable to advise you in this matter.
If the certificate is redeemed prior to deed issuance, you will receive your investment, interest, and your application fee in full. However, no interest is earned on the application fee.
As a tax lien investor, you are responsible for your own record keeping and research. This includes certificate numbers, schedule numbers, date of tax sale, endorsements and legal descriptions. If you require research on your purchases, the following research fee applies:
C.R.S. 30-1-102(s). Fees of county treasurer. For research, fifteen dollars per hour or portion thereof, one hour minimum; Research must be submitted in writing and will done on time available basis.
Statute does not provide the provision for Treasurer's to change Treasurer's Deeds once they have been issued. Issues with your deed after being recorded into the land records must be taken to District Court for a judge's decision.