Property Tax Exemptions

A property tax exemption is available to senior citizens, qualifying disabled veterans, the surviving spouses of Gold Star Veterans, and the surviving spouses of senior citizens or disabled veterans who were previously granted the exemption. 

For those who qualify, 50% of the first $200,000 in actual value of their primary residence is exempted. The state pays the exempted portion of the property tax. Once approved, the exemption remains in effect for future years, and the applicant need not reapply. 
The General Assembly may eliminate the funding for the Senior Citizen Exemption or Disabled Veteran Exemption at their discretion in any year that the budget does not allow for the reimbursement. 

Application deadline: July 15th for taxes due the following year

The exemption is available to applicants who: a) are at least 65 years of age as of January 1 of the year of application, b) owned their home for at least 10 consecutive years as of January 1, and c) occupy it as their primary residence and have done so for at least 10 consecutive years as of January 1. Limited exceptions to the ownership and occupancy requirements are detailed in the qualifications section of the application. The exemption is also available to surviving spouses of senior citizens who previously met the requirements.

The Senior Citizen Exemption application short form or long form must be submitted to the county assessor at the following address:

Kimberly Buck, San Juan County Assessor
PO Box 596 / 1557 Greene St, Silverton CO 81433
Phone: 970-387-5632 Email: assessor@SanJuanColorado.us

Application deadline: July 1st for taxes due the following year.

The exemption is available to applicants who: a) sustained a service-connected disability while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, b) were honorably discharged, and c) were rated by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs as one hundred percent permanent disability through disability retirement benefits. Disabilities rated at less than one hundred percent and VA unemployability awards do not meet the requirement. The applicant must have owned and occupied the home as his or her primary residence since January 1 of the year of application; however, limited exceptions to the ownership and occupancy requirements are detailed in the eligibility requirements section of the application. 

Application Form Instructions
Application Form
Submit to the following address:

Kimberly Buck, San Juan County Assessor
PO Box 596 / 1557 Greene St, Silverton CO 81433
Phone: 970-387-5632 Email: assessor@SanJuanColorado.us

Application deadline: July 1st for taxes due the following year.

The exemption is available to surviving spouses of disabled veterans who had the disabled veteran exemption and who passed away prior to January 1 of the current year. The property must be owner occupied and used as the primary residence of an owner-occupier who is the surviving spouse of a qualifying disabled veteran. 

Application form 
Submit to the county assessor at the following address:

Kimberly Buck, San Juan County Assessor
PO Box 596 / 1557 Greene St, Silverton CO 81433
Phone: 970-387-5632 Email: assessor@SanJuanColorado.us

Application deadline: July 1st for taxes due the following year.

This exemption is available to surviving spouses of “Gold Star” Veterans. The property must be owner occupied as of January 1 in the year of the application and used as the primary residence of an owner-occupier who is the surviving spouse of a qualifying Gold Star Veteran.

Application Instructions
Application Form
Submit to the following address:

Kimberly Buck, San Juan County Assessor
PO Box 596 / 1557 Greene St, Silverton CO 81433
Phone: 970-387-5632 Email: assessor@SanJuanColorado.us

Religious & Charitable Organizations

The Division of Property Taxation Exemptions Section of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs is responsible for determining qualification for exemption from property taxation for properties that are owned and used for religious, charitable, and private school purposes. Exempt property owners are required to file annual reports with the DPT to continue an exemption.

See the Exemptions Section of the Division of Property Taxation website for forms and detailed information.

Property Tax Deferral Program
Application deadline: April 1st

The Colorado Department of Treasury has a program allowing qualifying homeowners to defer the increased portion of their annual property tax bill with a 4.1% interest loan recorded as a lien against the property. Taxpayers who had previous year deferrals must reapply each year to continue the prior allowable deferral of taxes.
For more information, see https://Colorado.PropertyTaxDeferral.com