How to estimate your 2024 property taxes
Actual Value x Assessment Rate x Mills = Property Taxes
- Actual Value is set by the County Assessor and can be found on Notices of Valuation and Tax Notices
You can also find actual value online. Once you find the property, scroll to the bottom of the page for the Tax Notice
Subtract $55,000 for each parcel with a residence. Subtract $30,000 for each parcel with a commercial building.
- Assessment Rate is set by the State Legislature and State Property Tax Administrator:
- 27.9% for most non-residential property
- 6.7% for most residential property
- Mill Levies are set by local taxing entities. The sum of Mills that apply to a given property is used to calculate taxes.
Mills should be divided by 1000 to calculate taxes.- 19.641 San Juan County (all property in SJC)
- 16.508 School District #1 (all property in SJC)
- 10.560 Town of Silverton (property within Silverton)
- 08.200 Durango Fire Protection District (property in S. County)
- 00.380 SW Water Conservation District (all property in SJC)
Sum of 2024 Mill Levies for San Juan's 3 tax districts: - 47.089 Property within the Town of Silverton
- 44.729 Property in South County
- 36.529 All other property in San Juan County
Annual Abstract of Assessment
The Abstract of Assessment is produced each January for the previous year. The brochure provides the tax rates and revenues for all taxing entities in the County, and the distribution of taxes by type of taxing authority. San Juan County currently has 3 tax districts and 5 taxing entities.
2024 Abstract Brochure (pdf)