Road & Bridge

Superintendent & Foreman - Rusty Melcher
The San Juan County Road and Bridge Crew plows maintains all unpaved roadways within San Juan County. These roadways range from 9,000' to 12,500' elevations and can carry several hundred vehicles per day. Due to the nature of the roads and the harsh conditions that exist at high elevation, continual routine maintenance is performed to retain a surface that is drivable with proper 4x4 vehicles. There are several factors that determine the level of maintenance required on a gravel road: * Volume of Traffic * Speed of Traffic *Weather Conditions * Rock and Mud Slides * Washouts * Down Trees

Winter Maintenance 
The San Juan County Road Crew does not plow any County Roads with the exceptions of CR 110 to Gladstone and Silverton Mountain, and CR 2 to Eureka. All paved roads in the County are cleared by either CDOT or the Town of Silverton.

Summer Maintenance 
Summer maintenance consists of opening passing, repairing and realigning roads that have sustained damage through the winter, repairing and replacing culverts, tree and debris removal and any related repairs or obstacles that present themselves. *The San Juan County Road Crew works hard to open our high passes as soon as possible. This does not ensure that travel will be possible as our neighboring counties work to clear their sides of each pass. Passes are usually open by mid to late July. Responsibilities 42-2-108 C.R.S. Mandates the creation of a primary and secondary system of roads in all counties. 43-2-111 C.R.S. Assigns these primary and secondary roads to counties for construction and maintenance. Roads, by definition, include bridges, culverts, footpaths, and rights of way. Maintenance of transportation-related infrastructure consists of roadway grading, roadway graveling, traffic control device maintenance, snow removal, roadway reconstruction, and realignment, culvert cleaning, culvert installation, and replacement, bridge repair and replacement, weed control, tree and brush removal, and various other related maintenance functions.

42-2-108 C.R.S. Mandates the creation of a primary and secondary system of roads in all counties. 43-2-111 C.R.S. Assigns these primary and secondary roads to counties for construction and maintenance. Roads, by definition, include bridges, culverts, footpaths, and rights of way. Maintenance of transportation-related infrastructure consists of roadway grading, roadway graveling, traffic control device maintenance, snow removal, roadway reconstruction, and realignment, culvert cleaning, culvert installation, and replacement, bridge repair and replacement, weed control, tree and brush removal, and various other related maintenance functions.

County Road Conditions (updated March 31, 2025)

Animas Forks – CR2 - Closed

Arrastra Gulch CR52 - Open
Black Bear Pass - Closed
Bolam Pass – Closed
Brooklyn Mine Road - Closed
California Pass - Closed
Cinnamon Pass - Closed
Corkscrew - Top - Closed
Cunningham Gulch CR4A -  Open
Hurricane Pass - Closed
Engineer Pass - Closed
Hotel Draw - Closed
Lake Emma Basin/ Eureka Gulch - Closed
Maggie Gulch - Closed
Minnie Gulch - Closed
Ophir Pass - Closed
Picayune / Placer - Closed
Porphyry Gulch - Closed
Poughkeepsie Gulch - Closed
Stoney Pass - Closed


County Barn 
1127 Animas St 
PO Box 466 
Silverton, CO 81433 
email: roads@sanjuancolorado.us